Former Federal Republic of Germany
Airfields A-Z
German Air Force bases
US Air Force bases
US Army airfields
Royal Air Force stations
Air bases of the Canadian Forces
Air bases of the French Forces
Highway strips
Historical approach and aerodrome charts
Radio beacons and airways in 1958/59
Eureka beacons in Germany
Former East Germany / GDR
Airfields in East Germany
Air bases of the National People's Army
Helipads of the National People's Army
Air bases of the Soviet / Russian Air Force in East Germany
Highway strips
Agricultural airfields
Historical approach and aerodrome charts
Non-directional beacons (NDB) in the 1950s
Non-directional beacons (NDB) in the 1960s
Non-directional beacons (NDB) in the 1980s
RSBN radio beacons in East Germany
Networks in the military aviation radio
Military call signs
Call signs of military aerodromes in East Germany
Radio frequencies in East Germany and East Berlin
VHF radio of the Ministry of State Security